Looking for "photo" program

Niels Kobschaetzki niels at kobschaetzki.net
Sat Feb 13 20:48:43 UTC 2016

On 16/02/14 07:01, Tim wrote:
>> also, have a look at;
>>   https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/showhide-passwords/
>While I haven't used that plugin, that *kind* of thing is a godsend.
>When you set a password, you really want to be sure what you're setting.
>It took me ages, once, to crack a typing error.  There were so many
>combinations that could have gone wrong.  The type it in twice things
>are no guarantee that you won't make to identical errors without
>Likewise, they're a sanity-saver when you're typing in one of those
>passwords with stupid composition rules (must have one or more capitals,
>alien symbols, and Egyptian hieroglyphics etc.).
>Geez, if you're going to make strong password rules, be more thoughtful
>about it.  Must be at least so long, but if you type in a long phrase,
>we'll let you type in normally (see what you type, and not have to type
>in bloody leet-speak).

Ever thought about a password manager? They generate the passwords
for you and you just copy&paste. And later they auto fill. More secure,
less to remember, less errors.


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