Bash / Escaping quotes is driving me crazy . .

Cameron Simpson cs at
Mon Feb 22 21:39:07 UTC 2016

On 21Feb2016 14:18, Philip Rhoades <phil at> wrote:
>>Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2016 16:40:01 -0800
>>From: Gordon Messmer <gordon.messmer at>
>>On 02/20/2016 04:05 PM, Philip Rhoades wrote:
>>>. . but why is there only a problem with the "flac" OR? - all three
>>>files have at least one space in the filename:
>>Your mistake seems to be believing that the shell can understand the 
>>you're nesting quotes.  It can't.  Each unescaped quote you're using
>>simply terminates the quoted string that preceded it.  So your example:
>>   ssh localhost "find
>>-maxdepth 1 -type f \\( -name "*.mp3" -o -name "*.m4a" -o -name 

Because quoting shell commands to dispatch over ssh is tedious, I have this 

which accepts an unquoted command line and does the work for you, so your 
request would be written:

  sshx localhost find /your/music/dir -maxdepth 1 -type f \( -name \*.mp3 -o -name \*.m4a -o -name \*.flac

i.e. exactly as you would without the leading "ssh localhost" to an shell 

Please feel free to fetch it (use the "Raw" link at top right) and use it. It 
saves a lot of pain.

BTW, why "localhost"? Or is this just an example for test, to be used on other 
hosts later when working?

>OK, that all makes sense but there is a further issue - I was trying to keep 
>it simple - this whole line is inside a Ruby "system" command ie:
>  system( "ssh .. " )
>- so my working version is the same as your first option (without the 
>escaped '*'s) but with an extra '\' at each place.  I can't use the 
>second option because I need to use double quotes so that I can use 
>Ruby variables inside the double quotes eg:
>  #{path}

All this means is that you need to take your shell command line, once you have 
a working one, and quote it again to express it correctly as a Ruby string.  
Bear with me, because I don't yet speak Ruby.

SO first get your shell command line. Make it as simple as feasible. If you've 
fetched my "sshx" script, that can be:

  sshx localhost find ...

quoted no more than any local "find" command would be. Now express that as a 
Ruby string:

Since you're using double quotes to allow # interpolation (this is not a great 
practive for command lines, to which we'll come later) you probably want to 
either run with a command line with no double quotes in it and with all the 
backslashes doubled:

  shcmd = "sshx localhost find /dir -name \\*.mp3 ..."

If _are_ using a command line with double quotes, they can also be escaped, eg:

  shcmd = "sshx localhost find /dir -name \"*.mp3\" ..."

I'm imagining that you're expecting to replace "localhost" or the directory 
with something like #{remotehost} and #{path} later, thus:

  shcmd = "sshx #{remotehost} find #{path} -name \"*.mp3\" ..."

and here we come to the issue of quoting yet again. Supposing your path has 
spaces or other shell punctuation in it. You also need to quote it, _before_ 
using it in your command line string.

I find it useful to have a "shell quote" function in my kit, whatever the 
language. You can take any string to be used in the shell undamaged and 
suitable quote it by replacing all single quotes with:


and enclosing the whole result in a pair of single quotes. You would need to do 
this for the variable you want to interpolate:

  qpath = shqstr(path)
  qremotehost = shqstr(remotehost)

and then interpolate _those_ values:

  shcmd = "sshx #{qremotehost} find #{qpath} -name \"*.mp3\" ..."

and finally running:


However, it is better to avoid going through the shell at all if it is only an 
intermediary to running a single command (your single "ssh" command). Using 
system() with a carefully quoted string has all the same fiddliness as passing 
carefully constructed SQL to a database query: any tiny flaw in the quoting can 
lead to incorrect behaviour, and if any of the strings come from user input, 
that is also an avenue for attack (there are known as injection attacks, where 
use input is injected into a command you issue, perverting your intent):

The URL above uses SQL because it is an incredibly command misuse, but htis 
issue applies equally well to shell commands constructed the way you are 
constructing them.

To avoid going though the shell at all you want to invoke your command with the 
Subprocess Ruby module:

Construct your command as a list of strings:

  cmd = ['sshx', remotehost, 'find', path, '-name', '*.mp3', ...]

and invoke Subprocess.popen to collect the resulting output. Notice that 
there's no quoting there at all, including of things like *.mp3. This is 
because the shell will never see these strings, and therefore you need only 
present them directly as valid Ruby strings.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

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