Protecting my network from rogue IoT devices.

Javier Perez pepebuho at
Mon Feb 29 17:24:04 UTC 2016

Probably Off Topic, but maybe tangentially related to Fedora.

I read with interest this forum piece about IoT devices phoning home.

What caught my attention is the following phrase: " My home network
is hardened and any new (unknown) device connected to it receives an IP
address from a specific range which has no connectivity with other hosts or
the Internet but its packets are logged"

I imagine it is done through the Gateway Router at home. Is there any
tutorial somewhere to learn how to do this? Also, what program could one
use on FedoraServer or FedoraWorkstation to host the log created by the
router ( I imagine some sort of dd-wrt machine). Given that journalctl took
over syslog duties, could I still use syslogd to receive the data from an
external router or do I have to look somewhere else for that?

I wonder.

 |O O|  pepebuho at
 ~~~~     Javier Perez
 ~~~~          While the night runs
 ~~~~          toward the day...
  m m       Pepebuho watches
                from his high perch.
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