[From nobody Sun Jan 10 16:41:04 2010 Subject: [Fwd: Fedora 4 maxtor 160Gb 30 gb missing;] From: Mirco Scaramucci <mircobeaker@hotpop.com> Reply-To: mircobeaker@hotpop.com To: fedora-list@redhat.com Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="=-PgcjH2lrQUzgIlV0CSok" Message-Id: <1130571078.8495.1.camel@localhost.localdomain> Mime-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Evolution 2.2.3 (2.2.3-2.fc4) Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2005 08:31:26 +0100 --=-PgcjH2lrQUzgIlV0CSok Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I ran /sbin/mke2fs -m /dev/hda1 and this is the output I got: [root@localhost mirco]# /sbin/mke2fs -m /dev/hda1 mke2fs: invalid reserved blocks percent - /dev/hda1 What does that mean? Mirco --=-PgcjH2lrQUzgIlV0CSok Content-Disposition: inline Content-Description: Forwarded message - Fedora 4 maxtor 160Gb 30 gb missing; Content-Type: message/rfc822 Subject: Fedora 4 maxtor 160Gb 30 gb missing; From: Mirco Scaramucci <mircobeaker@hotpop.com> Reply-To: mircobeaker@hotpop.com To: fedora-list@redhat.com In-Reply-To: <20051028090518.BA22C7371F@hormel.redhat.com> References: <20051028090518.BA22C7371F@hormel.redhat.com> Content-Type: text/plain Message-Id: <1130523132.13488.6.camel@host86-132-236-89.range86-132.btcentralplus.com> Mime-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Evolution 2.2.2 (2.2.2-5) Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 19:12:17 +0100 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit hello guys, I just purchased a brand new maxtor 160Gb harddrive where I installed fedora core 4 and the drive was fully recognized by anaconda during installation as a 160Gb. Installation went all ok but when I first logged in to my account and checked the available space on disk i noticed that strangely the space available was only 135Gb meaning that approx 30Gb were not counted in. I then upgraded to kernel hoping to regain the missing space but still no sign of it. I therefore installed QTPArted and checked what the situation was and funny enough the LVM on qtparted is recognized as 160Gb. I also have a 40Gb external HD connected via USB which is fully recognized. What has happened to the remaining 30GB on the MAxtor HD? Thanks --=-PgcjH2lrQUzgIlV0CSok-- ]