[fedora-virt] migrating to FE V12

Paul Lambert eb30750 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 16:55:08 UTC 2009

I would like to install FE V12 and try out the integrated to the virt
manager changes.  There are several download options, however, I do not see
a complete DVD install disk.  If I just download the boot.iso and install
does than imply I will then need to go back and add packages one by one to
re-establish where my DVD installed FE V11 is today?  Is there any
difference between the the latest Rawhide and FE V12 alpha at this point?
Finally, can I migrate to FE 12 or is this a complete reinstall meaning I
need to preserve my current VMs and other data on my hard drive which only
has one partition?  I plan to fix this scenario later but for now OS and
data is on one disk.


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