[fedora-virt] Guest resolution notabug?

Kenni Lund kenni at kelu.dk
Tue Feb 16 19:46:47 UTC 2010

2010/2/16 Scott Dowdle <dowdle at montanalinux.org>:
> KVM has some PCI pass-thru features but I'm not that familiar with them.  I believe that when used the device has to be dedicated to the VM... but I'm not sure.

Yes, the whole card will get dedicated to the VM, so it can't be used
by the host at the same time. Graphics cards are not supported at all
by KVM and PCI passthrough requires IOMMU support in the chipset,
which is still only available (and/or enabled) on very few

> So while it feels like a bug to you, it is really just missing functionality in the virtual video cards offered by KVM/qemu today.  To the best of my knowledge it isn't specific to Fedora and applies to all distros using KVM.

Correct, this is not Fedora (or KVM) specific, this is pure upstream QEMU.

Best Regards
Kenni Lund

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