[fedora-virt] Fedora Virt Status

Scott Dowdle dowdle at montanalinux.org
Fri Jul 16 18:03:27 UTC 2010


----- Original Message -----
> > I'm wondering if there will be a test repo for Fedora 13 because it
> > would be nice to get SPICE going in Fedora 13 too!
> Actually there is one, which works quite well for me with F13 :
> $ cat /etc/yum.repos.d/spice-unstable.repo
> [spice-unstable]
> name=spice development bits for fedora $releasever
> baseurl=http://kraxel.fedorapeople.org/spice/fedora$releasever
> enabled=1
> gpgcheck=0
> In particular, the "qemu-spice" package provides a new
> "/usr/bin/qemu-spice" binary (since it's not fully merged with
> upstream qemu, both qemu and qemu-spice can be installed side by side
> this way).

Hmm, thanks for the info.  I gave it a try but so far I'm stumped.  I've not really used qemu/kvm from the command line much and mostly use virt-manager.  I read the instructions here:


I got the following packages installed (from my /var/log/yum.log)

Jul 16 11:37:25 Installed: celt051-
Jul 16 11:37:26 Installed: spice-server-0.5.2-2.fc13.x86_64
Jul 16 11:37:29 Installed: qemu-spice-0.12.50-0.git.20100708.fc13.x86_64
Jul 16 11:37:30 Installed: spice-client-0.5.2-2.fc13.x86_64

Then I ran a VM from virt-manager and did a "ps auxwww | grep kvm" to see what the full command virt-manager uses.  I took that command and modified it for qemu-spice and here is what I came up with:

/usr/bin/qemu-spice \
-spice port=1234,password=mypassword \
-device qxl \
-vga qxl \
-S \
-M pc \
-cpu core2duo,+x2apic \
-enable-kvm \
-m 2048 \
-smp 2,sockets=2,cores=1,threads=1 \
-name montanalinux32 \
-uuid 9cf9479c-3476-9aa5-bdd3-dccf5d8af015 \
-nodefaults \
-chardev socket,id=monitor,path=/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/montanalinux32.monitor,server,nowait \
-mon chardev=monitor,mode=readline \
-rtc base=utc \
-boot c \
-drive file=/vm/montanalinux32.img,if=none,id=drive-virtio-disk0,boot=on,format=raw \
-device virtio-blk-pci,bus=pci.0,addr=0x4,drive=drive-virtio-disk0,id=virtio-disk0 \
-drive if=none,media=cdrom,id=drive-ide0-1-0 \
-device ide-drive,bus=ide.1,unit=0,drive=drive-ide0-1-0,id=ide0-1-0 \
-device virtio-net-pci,vlan=0,id=net0,mac=52:54:00:3a:0d:08,bus=pci.0,addr=0x5 \
-net tap,fd=49,vlan=0,name=hostnet0 \
-chardev pty,id=serial0 \
-device isa-serial,chardev=serial0 \
-usb \
-device usb-tablet,id=input0 \
-k en-us \
-device AC97,id=sound0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x6

That seems to start up (at least it shows in ps output) BUT when I try to connect to it with the spice client via...

spicec -h localhost -p 1234 -w mypassword

...all I get is a black display in the window and it doesn't connect.

Please note that I used an existing Fedora 13 KVM VM.  If I understand correctly the VM needs to have the qxl driver installed in it so maybe that is why it isn't working.  Or do the command line options given above inject the qxl driver into the VM magically?

I'm very new to this so I have little idea what I'm doing much less what I'm doing wrong.  Any help would be appreciated.

Scott Dowdle
704 Church Street
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406)388-0827 [home]
(406)994-3931 [work]

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