[fedora-virt] How do you disable hpet in a kvm?

Laine Stump laine at redhat.com
Wed Jun 9 13:48:57 UTC 2010

On 06/09/2010 02:18 AM, Ján ONDREJ (SAL) wrote:
>> Is it possible (and stable) to upgrade a Fedora 11 or 13 to
>> libvirt 0.8.0+?  Could you please post a link to documentation on
>> how to upgrade libvirt?  Is there a specific 0.8.0 version you would
>> upgrade to?  Thank you.
> I vote for F13 update to libvirt 0.8.0 too. :-)
> Works well for me on one testing machine.
> Another solution is to use F13 + virt-preview repository. This contains
> needed libvirt.

Actually there are a *lot* of very good bugfixes in 0.8.1. If you're 
upgrading, you might as well go all the way.

I don't know that there are pre-built packages for F11 anywhere; the 
quickest route to upgrading may be to get the source and build it (there 
are a few dependencies you'll need to install). (I also haven't tried 
putting libvirt 0.8.1 on F11, as I don't have any machiens left running 
it; it's possible there is a dependency in the new libvirt that isn't 
available with yum on F11, and you would have to build *that* package 
from source as well. If that happens, you'll just need to make a 
decision about when it becomes less useful to continue ;-)

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