pt_BR translations on the wiki, and more

Hugo Cisneiros hugo at
Thu Feb 9 20:49:54 UTC 2006

Karsten Wade wrote:
>>This is the question to discuss, why not put some new content in other 
>>languages? After analyizing the content, one could translate to english 
>>too. That's the same method, but in another order. Instead of English -> 
>>OtherLanguage, it is OtherLanguage -> English.
> I definitely want to see this with other documentation.  It should not
> matter what the source language is, as long as we have the ability to
> translate it.
> However, the Wiki is special, and I'm glad you brought this here to
> discuss.

Good, this was my real objective with this thread :)

> For every language that is adding original, language specific content,
> we need >1 editors who watch that content.  With the formal
> documentation, we can get editors from each language to approve the
> content for publishing.  That process needs to be in place for each non-
> English language for the Wiki, just like it is for the English portions.
> For example:

"Funny" example :)
I didn't understand a word that is in the page, but I got it what you said.

> I propose that each language that wants to put original content on any
> formal Fedora site, regardless of Wiki, XML, etc., needs to have the
> following:
> * 2 or more editors who watch all contributions, in the native language
>   - we are currently at greater risk for unwanted mentions of how to
> install mp3 players, but over time we'll attract defacements
> * 1 or more translators who carry the content over to the English side
> of the Wiki.
> * Native language contributors who allow the above people to do their
> jobs.
> The editors/translators need to have established trust with the Fedora
> project, to know that they understand what and why content is forbidden,
> and that they will be accountable.

I liked this proposal. But I have some questions to ask:

- Is the english translation for another language content necessary? 
Everything should be "synced" in an English version? And why?

- Is there a place where these forbidden items (like the mp3 case) are 
listed? I think this is good not only for this issue, but for all 
contributors too.

I'm really willing to contribute for anything I could do for the 
project, but I have to go a long way since I feel  for it :)

> - Karsten

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