release-notes-ISO word not needed in URL -- use short, clean URLs

Dimitris Glezos dimitris at
Tue Jul 4 23:14:35 UTC 2006

Hi all.

Just noticed that the english release notes page on the static website 
has the following URL:

The last "directory" contains a word already in the URL (release-notes) 
and another word (ISO) that gives no useful information to the user. A 
better URL would be:

I am just mentioning this as something we should have in our minds for 
the future, since short, clean URLs are always a Good Thing for all 
(maintainers and users).


Dimitris Glezos
Jabber ID: glezos at, PGP: 0xA5A04C3B

"He who gives up functionality for ease of use
loses both and deserves neither." (Anonymous)

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