tidy up

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at fedoraproject.org
Wed Mar 1 18:11:57 UTC 2006

Bela Pesics wrote:

>>And let's be honest about this.
>>Those sites are providing a service that we cannot provide.  They are
>>more valuable to the user community as community run projects.
>>If we ran them or more formally sanctioned them by redirecting from our
>>domain, Fedora could be seen/held responsible for the content of those
>What kind of responsibility do you mean? All the contents and quality
>of not fedoraproject maintained sites connected to fedoraproject some
>ways is its resopnsibility anyway. 
It doesnt always work that way legally. Refer to 

>E. g. why don't you put ads on
>fedoraproject.org, I guess the reason is evident.
The reason we dont put ads is that nobody has got any reason to do that 
yet and we havent thought about it. Thats all.


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