Wiki Translations (again)

Hugo Cisneiros hugo at
Mon Mar 6 18:36:34 UTC 2006


I know that the current Wiki can't auto-detect and redirect to the 
translated pages, so I have some sugestions. As the translations 
continues to grow, I think we can now begin to announce in the pages.

Maybe putting a menu with a xx_YY/@PAGE@ (where xx_YY is the ISO code, 
like pt_BR) link on the right side or a combo in the top next to the 
search form? I don't know if this is possible, so I'm first gathering 
some ideas :)

BTW, I'm always very interested in helping the fedora wiki, so I'll 
install the MoinMoin package here in my system. Is there a way to grab 
the customizations made for the Fedora Wiki, to sync with mine and to test?

Thanks in advance,

"Talk is cheap. Show me the code." - Linus Torvalds

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