fc5 dvd on d.f.r.c

Max Spevack mspevack at redhat.com
Thu May 11 20:27:24 UTC 2006

two questions:


1.  These point to the same IP address.  Why do they look different?  Can 
we streamline that?

2.  If I follow either of those links to:
there's no DVD ISO.  Is that intentional?  The DVD is still available on 

I've been hearing some confusion from folks looking for the DVD there, and 
I've been directing them to a mirror.  I was wondering if there's a reason 
why we have no DVD up on our official download site.


Max Spevack
+ http://people.redhat.com/mspevack/
+ gpg key -- http://people.redhat.com/mspevack/mspevack.asc
+ fingerprint -- CD52 5E72 369B B00D 9E9A 773E 2FDB CB46 5A17 CF21

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