fc5 dvd on d.f.r.c

Elliot Lee sopwith at redhat.com
Tue May 23 22:29:31 UTC 2006

On Thu, 11 May 2006, Max Spevack wrote:

> two questions:
> download.fedora.redhat.com
> redhat.download.fedoraproject.org
> 1.  These point to the same IP address.  Why do they look different?  Can 
> we streamline that?

FWIW, this is probably an artifact of the httpd config that was never
intended to work with redhat.download.fedoraproject.org. I made up that
hostname when we were playing around with the mirror redirector hack at 
FC5 release time. Practically speaking, we can use d.f.r.c if we like and 
ditch the other hostname.

-- Elliot

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