Plone and static content

Mike McGrath mmcgrath at
Tue Apr 24 15:58:14 UTC 2007

So Fedora is starting to mature a bit more in size and I wanted to get 
this ball rolling.

Since is now gone the wiki is our official content 
site.  There's a couple problems with that, performance is an issue and 
most content on the wiki is developer oriented.  One thing we're working 
on right now for the F7 release is a simple plone instance for the landing page.  Note, the wiki isn't going away, but 
when users go to they'll see more end-user content.

My question for you guys is, once FAS2 is done and we get into having 
more 'official content'.  What do you guys want to do with a plone 
site?  The doc's guys will have their own site.  Is anyone interested in 
this project?  The idea is that the 'official' fedora site will be very 
small.  Having only minimal information for end users and potential 
contributors.  It would then link to the larger sites like the wiki.



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