Tasks list and scheduling

Karsten Wade kwade at redhat.com
Thu Jul 5 16:57:55 UTC 2007

On Wed, 2007-07-04 at 16:00 -0400, Eric Kerby wrote:
> So, let me ask this a different way...are there any resources on the
> wiki or elsewhere that a potential contributor would be advised to
> read?  It seems to me that the whole CLA signing, FAS account
> registration, group addition request process for becoming a
> contributor is less inhibiting than actually learning what the team(s)
> need help with and how to pursue giving such help.

Agreed it needs improvement.  One of the dangers of a Wiki is how
organic growth can quickly become brambles.

The current plan is to bring people in this way:

fp.o/wiki/Join => wiki/ProjectName/Join => ProjectName/Tasks

That is, we go from the high-level to the mid-level.  At the mid-level
(project level), it is up to the individual project to direct people.
There is no real way to make it common across all projects; there are
too many different needs.

The last one, the Tasks page, is something new that we cooked up in
Fedora Docs, and the L10N team has picked it up.  Like the Join pages,
it gives a common structure across all sub-projects to find what you are
looking for.

- Karsten
   Karsten Wade, 108 Editor       ^     Fedora Documentation Project 
 Sr. Developer Relations Mgr.     |  fedoraproject.org/wiki/DocsProject
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