webmaster at fedoraproject.org

Thomas Chung tchung at fedoraproject.org
Thu Jul 12 23:30:41 UTC 2007

On 7/12/07, Ricky Zhou <ricky.zhou at gmail.com> wrote:
> And the submitter will be explicitly told to reply to all on every
> e-mail (or the webmaster will have to forward them all)?  How about if
> we used a separate webmaster mailing list?  This would solve the problem
> of spamming all members of fedora-website-list/web and allow the
> convenience and openness of group-wide knowledge of all requests, plus
> moderation (since *some* spam will still likely get through).
> How does that idea sound?
> Thanks,
> Ricky

Well, it seems we're in agreement in a way. :)

A. Create webmaster group in FSA
B. Create webmaster list in Mailman

Why don't we let Infrastructure team decides which is easier to maintain.
Thomas Chung

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