Wiki slowness

Mike McGrath mmcgrath at
Tue Mar 20 20:47:59 UTC 2007

I've been examining more closely why wiki saves are slow.  At this time 
it appears the issue is in notifications.  More to the point, 
determining who to notify.  Our wiki supports regex for page 
notifications.  This means that when you save a page, Moin has to 
iterate over all users (currently about 10,000 registered) before it 
knows who to notify.  Actually sending the notifications doesn't take 
that long, but figuring out who to mail can take a long long time.  My 
tests show between 30 and 95 seconds.  When I disabled notifications 
saves dropped to 2-3 seconds.  I'm not sure what to do from here but it 
looks like it will take a code change (I'm working with some guys in 
#moin).  I'm continuing to look into it but wanted to let everyone know 
what was going on.


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