Big download button

Máirín Duffy duffy at
Sat Nov 10 03:22:00 UTC 2007

Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> Precisely. A big prominent banner that takes you to the get-fedora page 
> would be good. Also I would appreciate if the what's new link is to the 
> release summary instead of the release notes.

Okay here's what I got:

- smaller animated banner (to make room for the download banner):

- a "download now" banner to go under it:

-a translatable svg of the "download now" banner:

- a python script to translate the download banner... it's halfbaked 
from the script i wrote to create the countdown to werewolf banners but:

Here's what you need:

imagemagick cuz it calls convert

Here's how to use it:

python download_now.svg "translated string" 

Where original_image.svg == the download_now.svg i provided above;
where translated string is "download now" translated;
where download_now-language is the name of the PNG file you wanna output 
sans ,png

The above will give you that download image with the text "translated 
string" in a png file named download_now-language.png


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