Infrastructure Programming Tasks

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at
Sat Aug 30 18:37:25 UTC 2008

nihed mbarek wrote:
> ok :) let's start
Cool.  So pretty much all of the apps we develop in-house (pkgdb, fedora
account system, bodhi, myfedora, amber, etc) are written in python[1]_.
 The web apps are all TurboGears[2]_.

Our wiki is driven by mediawiki and we have a few other programs that we
run like zabbix which are written in php.

One of the things that we need to do soon is to start looking at the CSS
that mizmo (Máirín Duffy) is working on for MyFedora::

The idea is that mizmo is working on a specific application but breaking
the CSS into three sets:

* The first layer is generic for all Fedora sites, static and dynamic.
* The second layer is generic for all Fedora Web Applications -- so all
the web apps I mentioned earlier.
* The third layer is CSS specific to a specific Web Application.

We need to port other apps than MyFedora to using this three layer
approach with the CSS that mizmo is proposing in layer's 1 & 2 so that
we get the generic parts right.  Since I'm the lead developer of the
PackageDB I'd love to see the three layers integrated with the current
PackageDB code.  Is this something you'd be interested in doing?


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