Next week's meeting

Jonathan Roberts jonrob at
Wed May 7 23:04:49 UTC 2008

>  2)  As for the meeting time, while I agree that you won't get the best
>  turnout at that time, you will get *different* turnout, from those
>  here in the US that have conflicts with $dayjob.  I'd suggest doing
>  one of these a month or something.  And I can't believe that JonRob
>  finds 3am a strange time for a meting.  Fedora never sleeps, you
>  didn't get that memo? :)

OK, it's a fair point - not the 3am comment (however dedicated I am
:p) - one a month might be reasonable, depending on how things go. As
for tomorrow, and a regular meeting time, I think there are 3
possibilities - and forgive me if I'm wrong because it's getting late
here already!

0200 UTC any day
2000 UTC mondays
2300 UTC any day

They look like the most probable. For tomorrow, are people either a)
happy to go with 0200 and we'll figure out something better in the
coming week or b) happy to go with 2000? - clearly 2300 isn't an
option for tomorrow.

Any brighter ideas are *welcome*.



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