fedora 10 review - installable live cds?

Máirí­n Duffy duffy at redhat.com
Fri Nov 7 17:30:06 UTC 2008

I saw this in a recent Fedora 10 PR review:

"It's always a little mysterious when downloading a liveCD image 
(especially when dedicated "install media" is offered elsewhere) as to 
whether the liveCD will have a functional installer. It has become less 
mysterious recently, especially on more mainstream distributions where 
installers on live images are now the norm, but it is hardly ever 
explicitly stated."


Here's the mockup we are working from:


Now, we do address his concern somewhat:

"This is the latest version of the Fedora Linux operating system 
featuring the GNOME desktop. It's everything you need to start using 

Maybe we should modify the text to say:

"It's everything you need to *install and* start using Fedora!"

What do you think? Is it too late?


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