spins.fpo revamp content & update

Máirín Duffy duffy at fedoraproject.org
Wed Oct 21 20:38:44 UTC 2009

Hi folks,

I promised I'd sent the Fedora websites list the spins content the
maintainers so graciously put together on short notice for our spin.fpo

Here's the content they put together - they made it very easy to link to
:) :


Also as a status update, I think we are set on the design for Electronic
Lab and LXDE. I still need to go through the mockup process with
remaining spins' content and make sure the spin maintainers are okay
with what I come up with. I'm hoping to have that done by this Friday
but we'll see.

I sent out a message to the fedora-desktop list too to see if they want
a page for their spin and if so what content they might be able to
provide. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to give them a spins.fpo page
or not yet but hopefully some good discussion about that will happen on
that lit.


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