Should we update the POT ASAP? => What to change

shaiton shaiton at
Sun Oct 24 22:26:20 UTC 2010

Hi there,

Finally I am taking the time to translate... And could find some issues.

 * in stg.fpo/features, "(view a list of compatible themes here.)"  =>
"here" shouldn't be a link to ?
 * /data/content/using/tutorials/*   *many* strings are not
translatable. I didn't notice that before.
 * /data/content/using/tutorials/*  "Read about more ways to use
Fedora'))}!<" the '!' should be in the translated string.

What do you think guys? If you're ok, I could update it tomorrow
night, build the new POT and merge po files, and then notify the trans

Kévin Raymond

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