Fedora website redesign Help page

Jef van Schendel jefvanschendel at gmail.com
Thu Sep 23 13:41:29 UTC 2010

2010/9/23 Jef van Schendel <jefvanschendel at gmail.com>:
> [.....]
> I'm not sure yet, as you can tell by my rambling. :)
> I'll give it some more thought and make some more mockups to experiment!
> Jef

Ok guys, I've now got this:


So basically I've added it as a (pretty obvious) sidenote with links
to the common bugs, bugzilla itself and the report-a-bug wiki page. I
didn't want it to be too big/obvious by making it a step 4 or having a
list of bugs there, making it take up half of the Help page.

What do you think? Does it work like this?


PS Wooops... I just noticed I sent the previous replies either to
Sijis only or Máirín only... Sorry about that!

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