What to do with fedoracommunity.org websites blocks [ticket #77]

Kévin Raymond shaiton at fedoraproject.org
Wed Mar 21 10:04:04 UTC 2012

Hi guys,

Working on #77[1], I would like to have this closed soon as now it's
only an easy/quick task, and we need to update translations (POT and
>From what I've changed yesterday, now we only need to modify the
`countries' list on the corresponding file, without the need to order,
count, copy, past… when we want to update the list.

My questions are:
Do all should be translated? I mean the country name (like "United
States") and its title (like "Fedora")? I don't really know how it was
designed at first.
People going to fc.o have not necessarly the right language selected,
then if we don't translate the name or the title it's easier for them
to find what they understand. And do we need to have all entries that
we don't understand to be translated?

Moreover, what the block title should display? Something like "Fedora
${local} comunity"?

Please look at [2] and give what is right for you (or just told me how
it was first designed, I think that while adding new websites we
didn't respect that).

Then I think that we could change the filler.png according to the
region colour, it's wierd this way to me, I thought that I missed to
change the css class but I didn't… Some are called but not defined…
Could be cleaned also.

[1] https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-websites/ticket/77
[2] http://fedoracommunity.org/en/emea


Kévin Raymond

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