Forgot Username and Password

Robert Mayr robyduck at
Fri Nov 8 16:15:23 UTC 2013

2013/11/8 Nitin Gupta <nitingupta910 at>:
> Hi,
> I created an account on a long time ago using
> nitingupta910 at
> as the email address. However, I forgot my username so cannot reset the
> password and also
> cannot use this email address to create a new account.
> So, can you please help me reset the password using just this email address?
> Thanks,
> Nitin

Hi Nitin,
we have only two ways to process your request.
1) You can send us a GPG signed e-mail, but I see you don't have
uploaded your GPG key
2) We can reset your password if you provide us your secret answer if
you've set a question in the past.

Otherwise you need to create a new account.
Your actual account also doesn't use this email address, but another one.


Robert Mayr

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