Fedora Accounts System

Robert Mayr robyduck at fedoraproject.org
Wed Oct 2 15:39:12 UTC 2013

2013/10/2 Glenn Johnson <glennjohnson57 at gmail.com>:
> Greetings. I've forgotten my password to the Fedora Accounts System web
> site. I've tried resetting the password several times. Each time I've done
> this the system tells me the reset was successful but then when I try to log
> in it fails. How can I address this issue?
> --
> Glenn Johnson
> GlennJohnson57 at gmail.com
> Powered by Fedora Linux

Hi Glenn,
normally we have two ways to unblock this kind of issue:
1) a gpg signed mail
2) Using your secret question/answer

It seems you don't have provided any of these, so probably it would be
the best to create a new account (or perhaps you remember your old
password in the meanwhile?).
Make sure to provide at least a secret question when creating a new account.


Robert Mayr

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