Fedora Websites Project

Bjorn Njordsson bjorn at asgard.mx
Sat May 17 07:13:40 UTC 2014


My name is Bjorn Njordsson, 30 years old and based in Australia, Brisbane
I have experience in Wordpress, Joomla, Dreamweaver which some knowledge in
HTML and CSS. 
I am currently learning Ruby and Python via Code Academy.

I have been using Linux for the last 5 years mainly Debian distros but I
have used Arch/Slackware and I am running Fedora as my primary operating
system. I'm a huge red hat supporter and hope that one day, I can work for
Red Hat.
In the mean time, I want to offer the limited knowledge I have into helping
anyway I can and I want to support Fedora and give back to the community. I
want to learn as much as I can about programming and development.

I've had a look at a few tickets and I am happy to complete and close some
if not more of them during my downtime.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Bjorn Njordsson
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