[proposal] Fedora Developer Portal

Adam Samalik asamalik at redhat.com
Wed May 27 14:57:05 UTC 2015

Hello everyone!

I would like to make a proposal about new project: a website for Fedora developers.

=== Why? ===
 - Fedora does not have a page targeted on developers like developer.ubuntu.com or developer.apple.com
 - Developers have no place to find out about interesting projects like Copr, Developer Assistant, etc.
 - There is also no place with guides and help on how to get things up and running
 - Current fedoraproject wiki is not designed for app developers, 'developers' on wiki essentially means Fedora packagers
 - There is no place for downloading (promoting) Docker images and Vagrant boxes based on Fedora

=== What? ===
Create a new page: developer.fedoraproject.org - a new go-to place for app developers running Fedora.

The web page has would show beginners or advanced users how to install a new features on Fedora and what to do if they want to start developing something in Fedora.

The main categories could be something like these:
 1. Development tools:
    - Vagrant, Developer Assistant, ...
    - Which tools to use for development and how they can help me
    - explain WHAT the project is and HOW to get it running
 2. Languages, technologies, runtimnes:
    - Python, Ruby, Rails, Perl, ...
    - Info about packages, the "I am a _ developer" view
    - explain WHAT the project is and HOW to get it running
 3. Distribution/deployment:
    - Copr, Docker, Openshift, ...
    - How to get my project to people?
    - explain WHAT the project is and HOW to get it running
 4. Docker images, Vagrant boxes, ...
 5. Blogs

Petr Hracek and Josef Stribny and I are starting this project and I will be the one responsible for it. 

Do you have any tips, recommendations or expectations about this project? Is there something you would like to see on the page? Let's start a discussion!


Adam Samalik
Associate Software Engineer
Red Hat

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