[Fedora-xen] "xm create" error: /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/xen/xm/opts.py:452: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xeb'

Stephen C. Tweedie sct at redhat.com
Mon Apr 3 18:37:50 UTC 2006


On Thu, 2006-03-30 at 13:23 +0200, Aleksander Adamowski wrote:
> Introduction: when one installs a Xen guest using xenguest-install.py, 
> at the end of the installation the guest is shutdown and 
> xenguest-install.py prints out instructions to start it up with "xm 
> create -c GUEST_NAME".
> The instructions are wrong - the parameter to "-c" switch is a file 
> name, so a full path is needed. 

No, "-c" just means "attach to the console", it doesn't take a filename.
And "xm create -c $GUESTNAME" works fine for me.

> If one proceeds according to the instructions, and the current working 
> directory isn't /etc/xen, an unhelpful error will occur:

> [root at domzero2 xen]# xm create -c svn
> Using config file "svn".

This means that it is picking up another file named "svn" in the current
directory, not in /etc/xen.  If it was picking up an /etc/xen/svn file,
it would say so on that "Using config file" line.

This is not a bug, you've given it an existing file to work on, but it's
not a valid config file, so you get an error.


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