[Fedora-xen] Stuck on Xen Guest Install at the Anaconda point.

Harry Smith thingsmith at comcast.net
Fri Apr 7 17:02:45 UTC 2006

I am stuck on how to do the anaconda definition for the location of 
core tree (btw what is a core tree anyway).

I have tried both NFS and FTP using local assets but I can not seem 
to make a location that is compliant with the anaconda format.   The 
other part of the problem is that I need to set up Xen and FC 5 on 
some machine prohibited from Internet access.

1. Since I have a DVD version of FC5, I tried to NFS export the 
mounted DVD.   This started the install but seem to have problems 
with finishing something about not being able to find start2.

2. I have a NAS which is also an ftp server however the same rules 
blocking access to the Internet also requires I have a user name 
password for the FTP server.   I copied everything on the DVD to a 
directory on the ftp server.   I am having two problems with FTP.

1. I can not figure out how to pass the user name and password.
2. I am getting an undefined 
URL.  (   However this  can be 
accessed from dom0 and it looks like it is trying to do some type of 

Any help or pointers to understand would be appreciated.


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