[Fedora-xen] xen, revisor

Arno Karner arnokarner at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 8 03:46:15 UTC 2007

ok I make a new dvd iso image with revisor, modify the isolinux.cfg so it boots, and installs with my kickstart file.
I look at the anaconda.ks.cfg and none of my rpm packaes, which were installed show up.

Now I'm trying to trouble shoot the post install section of a few of my packages, which didn't seem to be executed,
so is there some where to look. install log didn't show anything useful.

How do I get my rpm-keys installed, doing it from an rpm is not possible because rpm does not support nested transactions,
any Ideas here welcome also. the key files are in the root directory od the install image, but that is not good enough.

I looked at the spec file of the package in question and it had a Requires: <package> <package> but the packages were not installed,
or complained about. Hence other packages that were installed gave warning messages about user xxx, group yyyy not defined using root:root
not what I wanted........

I'm reducing the install ks.cfg file, to make trouble shooting this in xen faster, and including a second menu option for a full install of what I want.

Sorry for the cross post but this issue deals with revisor, xen, anaconda. I'll be looking into the anaconda emailing list next.

I am using bleeding edge rpms, git fc7.testing revisor:git pull, and I should expect this. So I thought I'd ask while I try and reduce my loop time from 4+ hours
build iso image, xen.new virt machine + play free civ, update scripts and ks.list(s)....repeat

Ideas, flames, constructive criticizing welcome.

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