[Fedora-xen] Updating out-of-date Fedora XenPvopsDom0 wiki page

Mark McLoughlin markmc at redhat.com
Wed Dec 10 09:19:14 UTC 2008

On Tue, 2008-12-09 at 18:24 +0200, Pasi Kärkkäinen wrote:

> If I find some extra time I might try building some testing RPMs with Xen pv_ops
> dom0 patches included.. 
> Should this new unified kernel-package work out of the box (after adding
> dom0 patches), or should I use the latest kernel-xen as a starting point? 
> I was thinking about grub menu.lst generation etc.. 

Well, the two outstanding work items that no-one is looking at are:

  * Allow the hypervisor to boot bzImage kernels

  * Make 'new-kernel-pkg' aware of HYPERVISOR setting 
    in /etc/sysconfig/xen

Each of these mean that building the standard kernel with the dom0
patches won't be enough, so you could build a kernel-xen-dom0 RPM which
a) ships a vmlinuz kernel instead of bzImage and b) adds xen.gz to

In the long run, though, what would be most useful would be if someone
started working on those two work items.


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