[Fedora-xen] Problem: mount: could not find,filesystem '/dev/root'

Dale Bewley dlbewley at lib.ucdavis.edu
Thu Apr 9 23:47:36 UTC 2009

On Wed, 2009-04-08 at 01:44 -0500, Yang Xin wrote:
>   By the way, it seemed that "yum install kernel-xen" installed
> "", which did not worked. Since when I
> booted with this fedora-xen kernel, "xend start" command (or xm
> command) brought "ERROR Internal error: Could not obtain handle on
> privileged command interface (2 = No such file or directory)" error,
> which I've no idea either. (From google, someone told that it was
> caused by wrong kernel...)

Since an update to Fedora 9, the kernel-xen package has been obsoleted
by the kernel package
* http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue137#kernel-xen_is_Dead

The current kernels in F9 and F10 only function as a domU (xen guest).
Fedora 10 does not function as a dom0 (xen host).

It sounds like your initrd does not have sufficient intelligence to read
your root device (hint mkinitrd). I don't even know if you could force a
F7 or F8 kernel into F10, but I would not try it.

If you need a Xen dom0 then use CentOS, RHEL, or F8 for your server. But
F8 is end of life and not receiving any updates, so that is not the
safest or recommended route.

There are some highly experimental dom0 kernels for F10, but don't
expect to use them for anything more than testing.

Dale Bewley - Unix Administrator - Shields Library - UC Davis
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