[Fedora-xen] NTP problem in PAE kernel

Lamont Peterson lamont at lamontpeterson.org
Sun Jan 11 01:55:04 UTC 2009

On Saturday 03 January 2009 07:44:41 am Norman NTP wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a question that we are using Fedora-8 as DOM0 and Fedora-10 as
> DomU, how DomU can use by default clock of DOM0 so in that way if i
> want to change the time on DomU it wont allow me to change the time on
> DomU.I am using Xen Kernel on DOM0 and PAE Kernel on DomU.


The system clock in a paravirtualized kernel cannot be set.  The hardware 
clock in an HVM domU also cannot be set.  The hadware clock and the system 
clock for paravirtualized domUs is controlled in dom0.

I really like this, as I can set up NTP in dom0 and all of the clocks will be 
in sync in my domUs, just like that.

I don't know of any way to configure a domU to be able to control it's own 
clock separately, other than taking out the source and updating the code to 
give you that option.  I wouldn't bother.
Lamont Peterson <lamont at lamontpeterson.org>
[ http://lamontpeterson.org/ ]
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