[Fedora-xen] xen 4.1.0-rc8

M A Young m.a.young at durham.ac.uk
Sun Mar 27 19:46:24 UTC 2011

On Fri, 25 Mar 2011, fcxen user wrote:

> Also, do you anticipate then updating these packages throughout the life of
> F15 (even if they are just in testing or some other repo)?

My general policy for the xen package is to stick with the main xen 
version it was released with, so F13 is 3.4.3, F14 is 4.0.1 and probably 
won't go to 4.1.0, but probably would go to 4.0.2 when it appears, and I 
imagine F15 with remain on 4.1.x though its life.

The kernel situation is different because there is no official kernel that 
provides satisfactory dom0 support (so far), so I expect I will keep 
building dom0 kernels which should work on F15, at least until there is a 
reasonable official Fedora kernel.

 	Michael Young

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