Xfce on installation cd Wiki page

Ron Leach ronleach at tesco.net
Wed Jan 19 20:49:14 UTC 2011

Adam Miller wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 11:59:57AM -0500, Brock Hudson wrote:
> <SNIP>
>> I was wondering if we should have
>> kind of a "basics of Xfce page" since the front page of
>> fedoraproject.org has that for gnome. It explains what applications do
>> what etc. This is just an idea for now. I don't have anything specific
>> in mind but if you guys do please lets collaborate on something. 
> That would be awesome if you were willing to spend the time writing it
> up!

As a newcomer to XFCE, the topic I found most difficult was trying to 
add anything to the 'applications menu' that pops up in the bottom 
left corner.

Another issue that I've never really grasped is the '4 desktops' that 
you see on the bottom panel.  I wasn't sure whether or how these 
differed, and what use (in the sense of example use cases) these 
multiple windows were.

The third item I did straightaway, which other newcomers might want 
to, is choose a window/application 'style' that consumed least 'real 
estate' on the screen, because I run F13 and F14 on netbooks with 
1024x600.  So I chose a style that had the smallest 'top bar' for each 
application window.

I'm by no means a skilled user of Fedora or XFCE, but I am very happy 
using it and achieving just about everything I seek to do.  I just 
offer these ideas for intro text because I found them either difficult 
(one and two, above) or useful (three).

Hope this helps

regards, Ron

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