Update notification changes for F15

Panu Matilainen pmatilai at laiskiainen.org
Wed Mar 23 23:39:23 UTC 2011

On 03/17/2011 06:15 PM, Christoph Wickert wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, den 17.03.2011, 09:38 -0600 schrieb Kevin Fenzi:
>> On Wed, 16 Mar 2011 18:49:31 +0200
>> Panu Matilainen<pmatilai at laiskiainen.org>  wrote:
>>> I hacked up a semi-working skeleton of this today (thanks Richard for
>>> the tips) basically just for a refreshing break to do Something
>>> Completely Different for a change, will probably send patch(es) once
>>> its in presentable shape. For what little it does now (show up in the
>>> system tray when updates come available, click to launch
>>> gpk-update-viewer to do the heavy lifting) the ~100 lines of C was
>>> fairly accurate estimate :)
>> Excellent! ;)
> +1. Where can we grab the code?

Nowhere at the moment. I'm pondering what, if anything, to do with it. 
The PackageKit update notifications seem to be completely broken on F15 
at the moment, regardless of the desktop, persistent notification server 
or not. Also according to the spec, clients are supposed to check 
whether the notification daemon supports persistence and provide 
"old-style" status icons by themselves if not. So assuming the other 
things actually work (helluva lot of things in current F15 are broken, 
so hard to say), no notifications should be missed because of missing 
persistance support in the current xfce4-notifyd.

It's possible that an entire lightweight system-update applet/plugin + 
viewer application for XFCE makes sense, but for now I'll keep that on 
hold: either we get the whole gnome-dependency stack via 
gpk-update-viewer anyway, or we get to reimplement a whole lot of nearly 
identical code just to avoid a bunch of gnome libs.

>>> OTOH...  I dunno whether the time would be better spent adding
>>> support for the persistent notification extension to XFCE libsystray
>>> plugin (whatever that would in practise, haven't looked at it yet).
>>> Thoughts?
>> Not sure. Might be more a question for upstream...
> Mattias already brought this up on the Xfce list at
> http://foo-projects.org/pipermail/xfce/2011-March/028465.html
> but so far there is no reply.

I had a closer look at the stuff and I have to say I'm not terribly 
impressed with what the "new notification spec", or Gnome 3 
implementation of it, has to offer. It all seems just that little bit 
besides the whole point and potentially causing /extra/ annoyance from 
notifications (if you're in a mood to be annoyed by the notifications) 
than actually help it. This seems much, much more like it: 

Also if interested about the outcome, here's the RFE discussion bug 
about the persistent notifications: 

	- Panu -

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