Windows placement and keyboard shortcuts problem

Tiago Lam tiagolam at
Mon Feb 18 21:23:22 UTC 2013

On 02/18/2013 01:17 PM, Christoph Wickert wrote:
> This was caused by a gtk2 update, see
> As a result we had to apply the patch from
> that changed
> <Control> to <Primary>. You can manually edit your
> ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml
> file or use xfce4-keyboard-settings to re-define the shortcuts.

Alright, thank you very much for the info, i had no knowledge about that

But anyway, i don't think that that change messed up my keyboard
shortcuts. I have a script that gets executed when i log in, and i just
forgot about it. Once i corrected the script, they started working, and
so i'm pretty sure it was it.

> I don't fully understand your problem, but fro what I get I haven't
> heard of it before. Anybody else?

I will try to explain it better this time:

So, when we go to settings>settings manager>window manager
tweaks>placement you have two configuration options. The first one is a
slider, and the second one are radio buttons, right?
At the slider, my configuration is set all the way to Large, and at the
radio buttons i have chosen the option "At the center of the screen".

What i want with the above configuration is that whenever a new window
is started, my window manager doesn't choose where it should be placed.
With the above configuration, the window is placed at the center of the
screen, and then i move it if necessary (it's what i find to work best
for me).

But that option is not working since today's update, and i really have
no idea why. What happens now is that the windows aren't placed at the
center, but in wherever place the window manager finds it better.

Now, what i know is, like i said in the previous email, if i go to
settings>settings manager>window manager tweaks>placement and push the
slider all the way to "Small", and then again all the way to "Large",
the windows that are started get placed in the center again...


I hope that i was clearer this time :)

> Best regards,
> Christoph


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