[Zarafa] Z-Push 2.0.6 has been built at RPM Fusion

Robert Scheck robert at fedoraproject.org
Thu Dec 6 22:33:48 UTC 2012

Good evening,

Z-Push 2.0.6 has been built at RPM Fusion for Fedora Rawhide, 18, 17, 16
as well as for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and 5 - and should be pushed to
the testing updates repository within the next days at latest.

IMPORTANT: If you did not yet upgrade from Z-Push 1.5.x series, this is a
major update which requires manual work, like configuration file changes:

Z-Push 2.0.6 [1616]


- It fixes duplicate items issues in devices which are Heartbeat-able
  (Windows Phone, some Android devices).
- Issue regarding meeting request on Nokia Meego has also been fixed.
- Windows Mobile 6.1 and 6.5 now are able to synchronize using Z-Push.
- Existing with CTRL+C from z-push-top doesn't break the terminal any
- Using Zarafa backend it's now possible to move folders on iOS devices.
  Also it's not possible any more to delete junk folder or to rename draft
  or outbox on iOS devices.
- Rare cases issue that special chars were broken on Android devices has
  been fixed.
- "On event" reminders set on the phone are now correctly synced to
- Thanks to Franscisco aka fmbiete the IMAP backend users now have HTML
  email support on their devices. He also implemented stars (todo flags)
  and added some other fixes to the IMAP backend. Big thanks, Fransciso,
  and keep up the good work.
- We would also like to thank Vincent aka liverpoolfan for his feedback and
  suggestions and Robert aka rsc for his suggestions and bug reports. And
  also thanks for everyone for Z-Push feedback.


- ZP-249: Duplicate items when importing a new item and Heartbeat is active
- ZP-277: Update package requirements in admin manual
- ZP-278: Announcement of supported AS versions in initial FolderSync
- ZP-286: Nokia N9 MeeGo executing MeetingResponses causes WBXMLException
- ZP-291: Heartbeat mode should not be started if loading states fails
- ZP-292: z-push-top should show folder type consistently
- ZP-301: Windows mobile 6.1/6.5 doesn't work with Z-Push 2
- ZP-303: CTRL+C in z-push-top breaks terminal
- ZP-305: php-cli package is required for z-push-admin and z-push-top
- ZP-314: Remove Kolab backend
- ZP-316: Move getBodyPreferenceBestMatch to global Utils
- ZP-317: SyncCollections waiting time is not correctly updated when
  receiving notification
- ZP-318: Merge contribution - Added Utils::ConvertHtmlToText
- ZP-324: Merge contribution - Fix non-existing variable


- ZP-271: Not able to move folder in another in iOS
- ZP-279: Android 4.0.3, creating an appointment shows php error
- ZP-282: Special chars (umlauts) are broken in a response email sent from
  an android
- ZP-297: Possible delete junk folder in ios6 and rename draft/outbox
- ZP-311: Reminder "On event" is saved as "None" in Outlook/Webaccess
- ZP-313: iOS6 meeting attendee fix shows warnings
- ZP-335: Warning if there aren't any attendees


- ZP-319: Merge contribution - BackendIMAP - Exclude folders
- ZP-320: Merge contribution - BackendIMAP - Basic support ASV12+
- ZP-321: Merge contribution - BackendIMAP - Star support (device -> server
- ZP-325: Merge contribution - BackendIMAP - Imap preview plaintext for
  mail with html code in text part
- ZP-327: Merge contribution - BackendIMAP - Fix; folder type to user_mail
  instead of other

You should be able to update to Z-Push 2.0.6 by using

  yum update --enablerepo=rpmfusion-free-updates-testing '*z-push*'

on all Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux releases once it's pushed to the
repository. If you should find bugs or issues, please fill a bug report in
RPM Fusion Bugzilla as described here:


Your feedback is very much appreciated.

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