[Zarafa] Zarafa 7.1.9 has been submitted to updates-testing

Robert Scheck robert at fedoraproject.org
Wed Apr 30 23:41:35 UTC 2014

Good evening,

Zarafa 7.1.9 has been submitted to updates-testing (Fedora EPEL 5 and 6,
Fedora 19, 20 and Rawhide. Here is the full list of changes in Zarafa 7.1.9

Zarafa Collaboration Platform 7.1.9 final [44333]


This release brings a few new features while maintaining stability.


- ZCP-12163: Translations missing from zarafa-client package 
- ZCP-11835: zarafa-set-oof does not accept argument "-n" 
- ZCP-10943: opensource build issue with option --enable-debug
- ZCP-11131: Emails with added html disclaimer will have no body when moved
  to pst. 
- ZCP-10132: ADS ldap cfg company view privileges default value incorrect 
- ZCP-12152: ICS Changes in 7.1.8 cause a high load when z-push is used. 
- ZCP-11885: zarafa-passwd disables features(IMAP,POP3) 
- ZCP-12019: dagent creates much more fallback deliveries than in 7.1.7 
- ZCP-11996: allow only the homeserver for zarafa-monitor 
- ZCP-11950: Webaccess don't load if specific Mail is in Inbox 
- ZCP-11693: Remove single quotes from spooler to loop with postfix in 5XX
- ZCP-11423: Provide example configs in /usr/share/doc 
- ZCP-11914: Always show all users in the addressbook for Zarafa
  administrator accounts regardless if they are hidden or not 
- ZCP-12152: ICS Changes in 7.1.8 cause a high load when z-push is used. 
- ZCP-12137: search does not index html attachments 
- ZCP-11277: Public calendar is empty when opened via Lightning 1.9 
- ZCP-12132: patch: POP3 STLS (STARTTLS) support in Zarafa-Gateway 
- ZCP-12130: Include pictures assigned in LDAP backend when browsing the
- ZCP-12098: auto-respond violates RFC 5322 section 3.6.1 causing date and
  spam issues 
- ZCP-12093: Make the "advanced tab" resizeable/scrollable 
- ZCP-11187: Pass the PR_TRANSPORT_HEADERS also to the zarafa-autorespond,
  so administrators can do better filtering when sending out of office
- ZCP-7137: Several comments in default config files are incorrect 
- ZCP-11974: ARM build compatibility with GCC > 4.4.4 patch 
- ZCP-11973: Enhance logging of zarafa-dagent to display the same amount of
  information as zarafa-spooler 
- ZCP-11972: Enhance IMAP messages log level prios 
- ZCP-11746: ICalToMAPI.cpp missing break in switch icalerrno 
- ZCP-11504: python-mapi doc has outdated info on charsets

You should be able to update to Zarafa 7.1.9 by using something like:

  yum update --enablerepo=updates-testing 'zarafa*'

on all Fedora releases and for Fedora EPEL you should use the following:

  yum update --enablerepo=epel-testing 'zarafa*'

After testing, please add positive or negative karma to the Zarafa packages
in Bodhi:


And if you should find bugs or issues, please fill a bug report in Red Hat
Bugzilla as described here:


Your feedback is very much appreciated.

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