[Zarafa] Zarafa 6.40.3 has been submitted for stable updates

Robert Scheck robert at fedoraproject.org
Sun Nov 14 19:34:01 UTC 2010

Good evening,

Zarafa 6.40.3 has now been submitted for stable updates (EPEL 4, 5 and 6,
Fedora 12, 13, 14 and Rawhide). Here is the full list of changes in Zarafa
6.40.3 final [23410]:

Changelog 6.40.3 Final [23410]

- Fix: Changing appointment length deletes appointment.
- Fix: Resize appointment by dragging will go use a wrong start/end time.
- Fix: Cannot walk over mails (with arrow keys) when clicked inside a mail
  and back.
- Fix: Organizer is shown as required attendee in meeting request.
- Fix: Subfolder does not expand in 'create new folder view'.
- Fix: New folder via New menu does not work.
- Fix: Recurrence start date uses today's date instead of the given date.
- Fix: Address details are shown as undefined op iphone.
- Fix: Can drag and drop mails in you root folder.
- Fix: Can create all day appointments by drag and drop with end date in
  the past.
- Fix: Error pop-up when stopping search
- Fix: All day event disappears when you change the busy type
- Fix: Attachment not shown for attendee when it is added to a occurrence
- Fix: Issue language files if creating zarafa from source.
- Fix: Deleting all day meeting request will not ask to update organizer.
- Fix: Unable to drag distribution-lists to a public folder.
- Fix: Html mail is not shown due error in html filter.
- Fix: Delegate store webaccess results in blank page.

- Fix: Outlook shows strange errors regarding Zarafa-Ext when sending a
  message to a lot of contacts at once from the public folder.
- Fix: Dagent not accepting email if sender address starts with a space.
- Fix: Ability to change non-active user to active and vice versa not in
- Fix: Response meeting request from Iphone will not update the response in
  the meeting.
- Fix: Zarafa-server crash with webaccess contacts (limit set on
- Fix: Additional warnings in documentation for server_socket config option
  for gateway and ical.
- Fix: libvmime for parsing non-RFC "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit".
- Fix: Libical goes into infinite loop due to appointment with abnormal
  timezone struct.
- Fix: Manpages show "Zarafa 6.30" in 6.40 release.
- Fix: The second hierarchy sync will export all changes again.
- Fix: Specifying indexer's index_attachment_parser_max_cputime does not
  always work for parser.
- Fix: Server_socket will not be used when using a config file with
  zarafa-admin tool.
- Fix: Cannot remove folder from favorites folder

You should be able to update to Zarafa 6.40.3 by using

  yum update zarafa zarafa-webaccess

on all Fedora releases and Fedora EPEL. If you should find bugs or issues,
please fill a bug report in Red Hat Bugzilla as described here:


Your feedback is very much appreciated.

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