We have Apache configured with a number of virtual hosts, each of them with
a different TLS certificate (all stored in the same NSS database).
There is one VirtualHost named with the IP address of the server (W.X.Y.Z).
The other VirtualHosts were configured for domain names that resolve to IP
address W.X.Y.Z.
Now, if we connect to Apache from a browser using W.X.Y.Z, we get the right
certificate - the one that I specified for the W.X.Y.Z VirtualHost.
However, if we connect using any of the domain names (which all resolve to
W.X.Y.Z), we still get the W.X.Y.Z certificate, instead of the one specified
for that domain's VirtualHost.
Each certificate is created using the IP address or domain name as the
common name. For example, the W.X.Y.Z certificate has W.X.Y.Z as common
name; the certificates for each domain name use the corresponding domain
name as common name.
Can anybody hint me into what we might be doing wrong?
I can post configuration file details, if needed.