> Comment:
> Fix description: Cryptic error message:
> dse - parsing dse entry [attributeTypes]
> is now replaced with:
> dse - Parsing entry in file /path/to/schema/03bad.ldif failed.
> dse - Invalid section [attributeTypes:<the rest of the invalid
> section up to 256 characters> ...]
> Full sample log:
> [] - str2entry_dupcheck: entry has no dn
> [] dse - Parsing entry in file /etc/dirsrv/slapd-ID/schema/03bad.ldif
> failed.
> [] dse - Invalid section [# attributes
> attributeTypes: ( 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.5 NAME 'changeNumber' DESC
> 'Changelog attribute type' SYNTAX X-ORIGIN
> 'Changelog Internet Draft' )
> attributeTypes: ( 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.6 NAME 'targetDn' DESC 'Changelog
> ...]
> [] dse - Please edit the file to correct the reported problems and then
> restart the server.
> The file which failed to parse is now in the error log. The previous
> error "entry has no dn" explains the cause of the failure.