Hi William ,

Just find out a way to do it .

class UserAccountnsRole(Account):

def __init__(self, instance, dn=None):
super(UserAccountnsRole, self).__init__(instance, dn)
self._rdn_attribute = RDN
self._create_objectclasses = [
user_compare_exclude = [
self._compare_exclude = self._compare_exclude + user_compare_exclude
self._protected = False

def _validate(self, rdn, properties, basedn):
if 'ntUserDomainId' in properties and 'ntUser' not in self._create_objectclasses:

return super(UserAccountnsRole, self)._validate(rdn, properties, basedn)

def create_test_user_nsrole(instance, cn, nsRoleFilter, description, suffix=None):
global test_user_id
if cn is None:
cn = "testuser_" + str(test_user_id)
test_user_id += 1
if suffix is None:
dn = "cn=" + cn + "," + suffix
properties = {
'cn': cn,
"nsRoleFilter": nsRoleFilter,
"description": description,
user = UserAccountnsRole(instance, dn)
return user
Now just using create_test_user_nsrole we will be able to create entries with nsRoles.

Anuj Borah

On Mon, Jan 7, 2019 at 2:30 PM William Brown <william@blackhats.net.au> wrote:

I’ve been speaking to Anuj Borah about a PR they made, and how we can properly represent nsRole.

because nsRoles are an extra objectClass, rather than a standalone one, we need a way to represent this properly.

It’s probably a good idea to use some of pythons composability here, where we could do something like:

class nsFilteredRole(DSLdapObject):

class User(DSldapObject):

class User_nsFilteredRole(User, nsFilteredRole):

Then to have a way to define and have each subclass called, and asserted for correctness. A question is how we would handle:

user = User.create(…)
# How to convert user to User_nsFilteredRole

We could do something like:


And have a from that does a valid conversion based on types and adds in the required role parts?

This isn’t a common scenario, so I think having a limited set of well understood types that require this type of conversion would be okay.

Thought? *looking at you Simon* :)

PS: It’s good to be back


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