On 08/28/2016 11:13 PM, William Brown wrote:

So either, this is a bug in the way openldap uses the ber_len_t type, we
have a mistake in our logic, or something else hokey is going on. 

I would like to update this to:

if ( (tag != LBER_END_OF_SEQORSET) && (len == 0) && (*fstr != NULL) )

Or even:

if ( (tag != LBER_END_OF_SEQORSET) && (*fstr != NULL) )

What do you think of this assessment given the ber_len_t type? 
Looks like it's intentional by the openldap team. There are some other
areas for this problem. Specifically:

int ber_printf(BerElement *ber, const char *fmt, ...);

lber.h:79:#define LBER_ERROR            ((ber_tag_t) -1)

We check if (ber_printf(...) != LBER_ERROR)

Of course, we can't satisfy either. We can't cast the LBER_ERROR from
uint -> int without changing the value of it, and we can't cast the
output of ber_printf from int -> uint, again, without potentially
changing the value of it. So it seems that the openldap library may be
impossible to satisfy the gcc type checking with -Wsign-compare.

For now, I may just avoid these in my fixes, as it seems like a whole
set of landmines I want to avoid ... 

Part of the problem is that we wanted to support being able to use both mozldap and openldap, without too much "helper" code/macros/#ifdef MOZLDAP/etc.  It looks as though this is a place where we need to have some sort of helper.

(as for why we still support mozldap - we still need an ldap c sdk that supports NSS for crypto until we can fix that in the server.  Once we change 389 so that it can use openldap with openssl/gnutls for crypto, we should consider deprecating support for mozldap.)

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