Subject: subtree search fails to find items under a db containing special characters
Files: ldap/servers/plugins/syntaxes/validate.c ldap/servers/slapd/back-ldbm/ldbm_add.c ldap/servers/slapd/dn.c
Fix Description: dn.c: Based upon RFC 4514, the following characters in the RDN values need to be escaped: '+', ';', '<','>', and '=' for the intermediate characters '+', ';', '<','>', '=', '#' and ' ' for leading characters '+', ';', '<','>', '=', and ' ' for trailing characters
validate.c: If an escaped character followed by another escaped character, e.g., #<, the pointer was moved twice skipping '' before '<' and it makes the validation fail.
ldbm_add.c: a local variable addr was not initialized.
Thanks to Nathan for his review. I revised dn.c based upon his review comments.
Proposed Fix: