Server1 Console pointing to Server2 Dir Srv looks like either DNS/Hostname (hosts file) issue or someone has changed dirsrv-admin params. Check the parameters on /etc/dirsrv/admin-serv/adm.conf file it should point to your intended server.

On Wednesday, January 23, 2013, Rich Megginson wrote:
On 01/23/2013 08:56 AM, Elizabeth Jones wrote:
I had a strange thing start up yesterday with my 389-console.

I have 4 directory servers in 2 data centers. I have been using
389-console to manage them. Yesterday, I opened 389-console for server 1
in datacenter 2 (DC2_1) and it ended up showing me server 1 in DC1
(DC1_1). Then I opened 389-console for DC2_2 and it was pointing at DC2_1.
I had a VM snapshot of DC2_1, so I rolled back to that snapshot and then
it was fine. But no snapshot of DC2_1 and I can't seem to get it to point
to it's own directory server. None of the files on the servers were
changed (no one has access to these files except me). I had been doing
some testing trying to set up a Solaris client to point to DC2_1 earlier
in the day, using ldapclient init and modify commands. Replication between
these servers is -

DC1_1 replicates to DC1_2 and DC2_1
DC1_2 replicates to DC1_1
DC2_1 replicates to DC2_2 and DC1_1
DC2_2 replictes to DC2_1

I don't have netscaperoot replicating, only userRoot data.

Any thoughts as to why those two servers got borked or how to fix?

I have no idea how they got changed.  Something must have happened.  The console won't just spontaneously start pointing to a different server.

Try running -u on all of your servers.

thanks -


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