
 I'm getting a SEGFAULT with fedora-ds-1.1.0-3.fc6. The script below can reproduce this:



for a in $(seq 1 5); do
        ldapsearch -w xxxxxxx -h h.h.h.h -x -b "o=xxxxxxxx" -D "uid=zzzzzzzz,ou=yyyyyy,ou=wwwwwww,ou=vvvvvvv,o=tttttttt" "(&(|(objectClass=inetorgperson)(objectClass=posixaccount))(|(cn=*$FILTER*)(mail=*$FILTER*)(mozillasecondemail=*$FILTER*)))" uidNumber uid cn givenName sn audio description labeledUri o ou title street l st postalCode telephoneNumber homePhone facsimileTelephoneNumber mobile pager mail roomNumber jpegPhoto displayName postalAddress userSMIMECertificate mozillaworkstreet2 c mozillahomestreet mozillahomestreet2 mozillahomelocalityname mozillahomestate mozillahomepostalcode mozillahomecountryname mozillasecondemail mozillahomeurl mozillapostaladdress2 co mozillahomepostaladdress2 birthDate note carPhone primaryPhone category businessRole assistantPhone assistantName fileAs homeFacsimileTelephoneNumber freeBusyURI calendarURI otherPhone callbackPhone entryuuid uid uidNumber objectClass createTimestamp modifyTimestamp creatorsName modifiersName


  Is it a bug, or I can limit the search filter length?

  The system is RHEL5.1 x86_64 and tested with Fedora8 i386 (same result).